EDITORIAL - ESA No 39, March/April 2012
Our hearts went out to 65 year old Christopher Tappin after losing his two year battle against extradition to the United States for selling batteries to Iran.
Any trial there will prove unfair as Mr Tappin’s UK witnesses will not travel to the United States (due to the enormous travel and accommodation costs) and where video questioning is not permitted under US law. The prosecution counsel will have free reign with full government backing. This will be a political trial ... a political show trial, no less. As rigged as any Stalinist show trial of the 1930s Soviet Union.
This softly spoken gentle man has borne his predicament with dignity and charm. How will this Englishman cope in a land where good manners are unheard of and everything is determined by how many dollars you have in the bank?
Mr Tappin told the press, when leaving at Heathrow, that he felt David Cameron had let him down, which is a typical English understatement for downright betrayal, the betrayal of a mild-mannered businessman doing his job. This government betrayed us all by not keeping to a promise to review and amend the extradition arrangements with America. Mr Tappin was waiting for this patiently but nothing transpired.
The batteries were for missiles. If he had sold them to Israel, perhaps the most aggressive nuclear-armed state in the Middle East, all those respected members of the Conservative Friends of Israel would be nominating him for a position on the next Honours List. Our Foreign Secretary, William Hague, is a senior member of the Conservative Friends of Israel and it shows wherever he goes. He was there prompting and giving aid to the illegal opposition to Colonel Gaddafi and now he is clamouring for more support for the Israeli-backed opposition to President Assad of Syria. He is doing the bidding of Israel every minute of his waking life. It shows every time that flat monotone voice of his struggles to justify the position of the Foreign Office on its Middle East policy.
Now Christopher Tappin must be thrown to the wolves even though he has been caring for his wife who has Churg-Strauss Syndrome. This caring man is being torn away from a woman who is dependent on her husband. That alone should be grounds for preventing his extradition ... compassionate grounds that would otherwise enable an illegal immigrant to be granted full citizenship here with all the perks. The European Court of Human Rights would have had something to say about it all ... but this does not concern human rights at all. It concerns America’s interests and those interests alone.
A once great Britain has to bow down to the American barbarians and give up a human sacrifice on the bloody altar of America’s imperialistic war against the Muslim world. They want to show that they really do rule the world and will come down like a ton of bricks on any decent Englishman trying to earn a crust by selling a few batteries to America’s enemies.
We should end all extradition treaties with the United States followed by a disbanding of NATO. Certainly, we should cease to be part of any military coalition anywhere in the world. This country should concern itself with British and European laws, British and European economic interests and British and European global interests ... not doing the bidding of the world’s only super power in league with Israel which has nothing to do with Britain’s interests whatsoever.
You begin to wonder just how far Israel is involved in all the upheavals today, instigated by dark forces.
The United States is now saying they do not believe Iran is pursuing the development of nuclear weapons. George W. Bush tried to tell us Saddam Hussein (a former US ally) had weapons of mass destruction which turned out be entirely false. They want Israel to tone down all its clamouring for war against what were once upon a time, the Persians.
Religious Jews celebrate a festival called Purim every year which involves taking enormous pleasure from the historical massacre of a very large number of Persians ... men, women and children ... in the most appalling manner.
The Iranians are latter-day Persians and their Biblical foe. Bear that in mind when you try to fathom why the Israelis go on about bombing Iran.
Zionism is an essentially secular political creed but they are not above using religious myth in pursuit of Israeli expansionism. This is the hypocrisy of Zionism ... secularism invoking the promises of a Jewish god. Yes, a god in which they do not believe. Only a certain kind of mindset can juggle with such contradictions.
Our position on Christopher Tappin is, therefore, quite clear. There should be no extradition treaties with the United States whereby our citizens, entitled to the protection of the British government, have their lives destroyed, along with those of their immediate families, in the pursuit of American foreign policy.
There are only British interests in this country. It is the business of British government to protect those interests and to protect all our citizens here in Britain.
To paraphrase the Book of Common Prayer, “the President of the United States hath no jurisdiction in this Realm”. In the original BCP, the reference is made to the Bishop of Rome (the Pope). It is still used in our English churches today.
That is what being British really means; protecting our civil liberties to the death. The barbaric ’Merkans have different ways which we do not like at all. Their prisons are some of the worst in the world where every kind of vice and corruption reigns. Christopher Tappin should never be in one. Instead, he deserves to be treated humanely and decently.